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Arrival / Dismissal Times
Children are asked not to arrive more than 15 minutes before the start of the school day unless there are meetings or activities scheduled for them. Students may not wait for any length of time after school to attend meetings that start substantially after dismissal time. Schools do not have the personnel to provide supervision outside of specified arrival and dismissal times.
Articles Brought from Home
Personal items such as music devices, cameras, electronic games, and toys, may not be brought from home without prior permission of a student’s teacher. The prohibition helps prevent loss or damage of an item that may have great financial or personal value. The school district does not carry insurance for student items. (Personal items of students may be covered under homeowner’s insurance subject to the deductible and type of coverage.)
Assemblies & Lunch Time Activities
Assemblies and Lunch Time Activities help to create better school spirit, develop leadership and talent, and provide the student with good entertainment.  Students are expected to behave in a positive, orderly manner.  Students with poor behavior records will not have the privilege of attending assemblies.
A bicycle parking area is provided for the convenience of students. Bicycles must be parked in the area and should be locked. Students are to stay away from the bicycle parking area except when parking or taking their own bicycle. Riding bicycles around the building, through the campus, and/or on the playground is prohibited. Bicycle riders should enter and exit the campus from the fire lane at the rear of the school.  Helmets are required for all bicycle riders. LFMS is not responsible for bicycles parked in the bicycle rack or on campus.
Change of Address or Phone Number
Inform the Guidance Secretary of any changes in address or telephone/cell number immediately.  Proof of residency is required for all address changes. This information is vital in case of an emergency at school that involves the student.
Consequences of Bad Behavior
Our Board of Trustees has adopted a policy regarding unacceptable behavior by students. This policy states that a student may be expelled for offenses committed while on school grounds, going to or from school, during the lunch period whether on or off the school campus, and while going to or coming from a school-sponsored activity. Our school district will not tolerate the use or possession of firearms, weapons, drugs or alcohol. Depending upon the offense, a student may be expelled. Possession of a firearm on district property will result in a mandatory expulsion.
Cooperation with Law Enforcement
CUSD enjoys a strong relationship with county law and judicial agencies. The district especially works closely with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department and the School Mobile Assessment Resource Team (SMART), a cooperative arrangement among the county district attorney, sheriff and probation departments. The SMART team provides preventive and investigative assistance to schools.
Dismissal for Medical, Dental, or Personal Appointments
If your child must leave during the school day, you may send a note with him/her indicating the time and nature of the early dismissal. Your child will bring a note to the office before school and receive a "Special Excuse" slip.  He/she will show the slip to the classroom teacher at the beginning of the appropriate class period. The teacher will send him/her to the attendance office at the designated time.  A parent or guardian must come into the office to sign the student out before he/she may leave the campus and will be asked for a photo ID. Your child may not leave campus in the custody of anyone other than a parent or guardian or person authorized on the emergency list. This is for your child's protection.  
Early Pickup 
If a student needs to leave campus for any reason, the student needs to report to the Attendance office before school with a note from a parent /guardian.  A special “Early Out” pass will be given to the student to leave class at the time on the note and the student will wait in the office for the parent/guardian. The parent /guardian needs to come into the office with ID to sign their child out. The purpose of this policy is to avoid classroom disruptions. Students without an early out pass will be sent a call slip to leave class once the parent/guardian has arrived in the office. 
Health Services
Students who feel ill or injure themselves during class time should notify their teachers. Teachers will send students to the office with a pass. If a problem occurs during any other time, students may notify a campus supervisor. Students on regular medication must leave their medication with the office and take the needed doses under office supervision. A District Medication Form must be signed by the parent and doctor and be on file in the office. Medical problems should be indicated on the student’s Emergency Card. Private Accident Insurance forms are sent home or may be picked up at the front office.
Homework Requests
Students absent 1-2 days should use School Loop, e-mail the teachers or call a study buddy to get homework assignments. A student absent 3 or more consecutive days may request homework through the Attendance Office.
Honor Roll
To be eligible for the Honor Roll, a student must earn a grade point average of 3.5 or better. This means three “A’s” and three “B’s” (3.5); five “A’s” and one “C” (3.6); or 4 “A’s” and two “B’s” (3.6). Each A=4 pts, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F=0.
Locker information is issued on students’ schedules. Each student is responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of the locker. Lockers are not to be shared unless students are directed to do so by the administration. Students are responsible for all items including textbooks stored in their locker.
Loitering on the way to and from school is not permitted. Students are expected to proceed directly to school or their bus stop after leaving home in the morning. They should also proceed directly home after leaving school or their bus stop in the afternoon.  Students are representatives of Las Flores Middle School as they walk to school or home.  Without prior permission from school staff, students may not arrive at school earlier than 20 minutes before their first scheduled class and must be picked up within 20 minutes after school is dismissed.
Lost And Found
All lost articles are kept in a container on the back side of the MPR.   Those items not claimed are then given to a charity at the end of each month. Items of significant value are kept in the front office.
Students are to eat in the designated lunch areas. No food or drink is allowed in any other area. Students may bring their own lunch or may purchase from a variety of foods sold at the Lunch Court. Milk, fruit juice and other items are also available. Students may not solicit money from other students.
During a rainy day, the multi-purpose room is open for students during lunch. Students are responsible for making sure that all trash is put into a trash can.
Message Window
Student messages will be posted on the window located outside of the Attendance office.  Students should check this window periodically to see if they have a message.  We value class instructional time and do not interrupt classes to deliver lunches, P.E. clothes, assignments and / or other items forgotten at home.  Only school related messages and items are accepted. Luggage, balloons, birthday items, sports equipment, etc. are to remain at home!
Parking Lots / Bus Lane / Traffic Flow
  • Front Parking Lot: This lot is for staff and community parking. Follow the traffic pattern for student safety. Please do not make u-turns or park in the reserved spots.
  • Handicap parking is for those with state issued placards ONLY.
  • Bus Lane: NO PARKING at any time.
  • Back Parking Lot / Fire Lane: LFMS, LFES Staff, CUSD and Emergency Vehicles ONLY.
  • NO PARKING on the ramp or along any red curb.

Report Card Grade and Comment Code Descriptions
A description of report card comments and grade descriptions may be found on the Guidance webpage in the Locker.
Skateboards, Scooters and Related Items
The school district prohibits skateboards, scooters and related items from being used on school grounds AT ANY TIME.
Student Government
The purpose of student government is to provide for and encourage student involvement in co-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to take an active part in student government and to make suggestions on how to improve the school. The Associated Student Body officers are elected for a term of one year.  The elected A.S.B. officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Activities Commissioner, and Historian.
Student Harassment
Capistrano Unified is committed to maintaining a learning environment which is free of harassment for all students. This includes the harassment of any student by any other student, employee or other person at school or any school related activity. Students who engage in this type of behavior will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion.
Telephone Usage/Cell Phones
CUSD permits possession of cell phones (electronic signaling devices) on a school campus but requires that they be turned off and put away during the instructional day.  It does not encourage students to bring them to campus, but understands the wishes of parents to communicate electronically with their children, particularly in an emergency. Students may use the office phones with office staff permission or come to the office and use their cell phone during break or lunch.   If a student uses a cell phone on campus, school officials have the authority to confiscate the device.  The use of camera functions on electronic devices is prohibited on campus.
Textbooks are furnished free to all students. Books require care so that they may yield good service.  Students should cover their books with paper or other protective material.  Students will be charged for lost or damaged books.
CUSD policy requires that all adult visitors/volunteers must sign in at the front office and wear a Visitor Badge.  Student visitors are not allowed on campus.  For further information on volunteering at LFMS, please refer to the Volunteer Section of the CUSD website. 
Work Permits
Students wishing to obtain work permits must see the Guidance Secretary. Information needed includes the student’s social security number and the person or firm that is offering the student a job. Work permit requests are to be left with the Guidance Secretary and picked up the following business day after processing.
Students are given the opportunity to purchase a yearbook during a pre-sale. The book is distributed to students during the last week of school in June. LFMS is not responsible for yearbooks once they have been distributed.